Temptation, world is filled it . It's easy to say loose all yr temptation to achieve that bigger goal, suffer today to be happy tomorrow however ultimately you want tempation also take it girl, entertainment, friendship or moment of happiness.
Sacrifice, leave, forget these are the words of a person who never had the opportunity to be blissful or he is a loner.
For the rest Temptation are part and parcel of life you are invited for parties, you get time to be with someone special or you like to spend time on yourself.
Ceasing or prohibiting these things for a rat race will destroy your unique identity. Your interest your hobbies, your friends are that define you.
I am not suggesting you to throw away your books or career. I am asking you to manager things.
Yes, manger no sacrifice no dumping. You have desires, prioritize it. Stagger your time with respect to your desire and regulate yourself within those limits.
Becoz I want the degree and the girl !!!:P
You can't reach sky until you dare to dream, you can't achieve happiness until you plan to pursuit it.